Mercury the iron planet

Mercury is the first of eight planets in our solar system and orbits closest to the Sun. It is composed of a solid 85% iron core with a thin cratered crust. Planet Mercury moves from the morning sky to the evening sky several times a year. It never deviates far from the horizon so can be hard to locate. It is the smallet and most cratered planet in the solar system.

Mercury 4K image

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  Original image: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington

Mercury facts

Magnitude: -1.9
Mass: 3.3 x 1023 kg
Radius: 2,440 km
Density: 5.42 gm/cm3
Distance from Sun: 57,910,000 km
Rotational period: 58.65 days
Orbital period: 87.97 days
Orbital velocity: 47.88 km/sec
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.21
Tilt of axis: 0.0 °
Inclination of orbit: 7.0 °
Surface gravity: 2.78 m/sec2
Escape velocity: 4.25 km/sec
Albedo: 0.10
Surface temperature: 427°C / -173°C (equator)
Atmosphere: none
Moons: 0

Mercury surface features

Mercury's surface is similar in appearance to our Moon, with large impact basins, craters, and mare-like plains. There are a number of notable geological surface features on Mercury.

Abedin crater
Beckett crater
Beethoven Basin crater
Caloris Basin crater
Debussy crater
Derain crater
Gibran crater
Hokusai crater
Kuiper crater
Lermontov crater
Picasso crater
Skinakas Basin crater
Tolstoj Basin crater

Mercury poles

The north pole of Mercury holds quantities of water ice trapped in deep craters that are permanently in shadow.

Mercury vs. Earth ratios

Planet sizes are to relative scale.

Two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

- Albert Einstein