Venus the volcano planet

Venus is the second of eight planets in our solar system and is almost the same size as the Earth. Venus, also called the morning star or evening star, is brighter than any other star or planet in the sky.

Venus 4K image

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  Original image: NASA/JPL

Venus facts

Magnitude: -4.4
Mass: 4.87 x 1024 kg
Radius: 6,052 km
Density: 5.25 gm/cm3
Distance from Sun: 108,200,000 km
Rotational period: 243 days
Orbital period: -224.7 days
Orbital velocity: 35.02 km/sec
Eccentricity of orbit: 0.007
Tilt of axis: 117.4 °
Inclination of orbit: 3.4 °
Surface gravity: 8.87 m/sec2
Escape velocity: 10.36 km/sec
Albedo: 0.65
Surface temperature: 464°C mean
Atmosphere: CO2 = 96%
N2 = 3%
Moons: 0

Venus surface features

About 80% of the surface of Venus is covered by volcanic plains with thousands of volcanoes - at least four of them are still active. There are a number of notable geological surface features on Venus.

Alpha Regio large area
Aphrodite Terra continent
Artemis Corona oval spot
Beta Regio large area
Dali Chasma chasm
Ishtar Terra continent
Lada Terra continent
Llorna Planitia low plain
Maxwell Montes volcanic mountains
Niobe Planitia low plain
Phoebe Regio large area
Skadi Mons volcano
Thetis Regio large area

Venus vs. Earth ratios

Planet sizes are to relative scale.

Two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

- Albert Einstein